Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Iceman : Reviews

                  Cast : Michael Shannon, Winona Ryder,                             Ray Liotta, Chris Evans  Direction : Ariel  Vromen Story : Can you ever escape who you really are? The film is a crime biopic on hitman Richard Kuklinski, who adored his family, but didn't regret killing over 100 people, for money,...

Pacific Rim : Reviews

Cast:Burn Gorman, Charlie Day, Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi, Ron Perlman Director: Guillermo del Toro Viewed from one angle - from below, say, as you cower before the Imax screen, your 3-D glasses digging into the bridge of your nose, condensation from your Diet Coke dripping onto your leg - Pacific Rim looks a lot like other movies of its type. Dinosaurish creatures as big as skyscrapers do battle with equally gigantic...

Monday, 29 July 2013

The Wolverine : Review

Loosely based—very loosely based—on the early story arc from Chris Claremont and Frank Miller’s eponymous comic, The Wolverine had several strong advantages going for it before 20th Century FOX settled on a director: one of Marvel’s most popular and enduring mutants, the return of Hugh Jackman for a sixth time in a role he owns, and one of the richer story arcs tied to the character’s many decades of adventures from the page panels. (Plus, it...

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation Review

Similar to her Assassin’s Creed 3 counterpart, Aveline de Grandpré, star of Ubisoft Sofia’s Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberation and first female lead to appear in an AC title, is a hero torn between conflicting and changing worlds. A half-white/half-African America free woman living in late 18th century, on-the-brink-of-independence America would be a riveting and compelling enough character on her own, but add in the overarching AC mythos of Assassins...

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Mortal Kombat Complete Edition (2013) PC Game

Release Name: Mortal_Kombat_Komplete_Edition-FLT | Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment | Developer: NetherRealm Studios | Genre: Action | Date: July 4 2013 | Platform: PC | LAnguage: EN | Size: 9.35 GB Description:  After centuries of Mortal Kombat, Emperor Shao Kahn has finally defeated Raiden and his allies. Faced with extinction, Raiden has one last chance to save Earthrealm. To undo the Emperor’s victory, he must...