Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Say What? Top Five IT Quotes of the Week

"We want to obliterate passwords within a few years"

Paypal Chief Information Security Officer Michael Barrett (eSecurity Planet)

"Openness always wins."

Facebook's Frank Frankovsky launching the new Open Compute Networking project (Enterprise Networking Planet)

"When we asked about SDN, thirty-four percent said they were more likely to see Elvis, Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster than an actual SDN deployment"

Inbar Lasser-Raab, senior director of marketing for enterprise networking at Cisco, (Enterprise Networking Planet).

"I'm not going to be able to add value by designing a new garment, but what I can do is make sure my private cloud can meet the demands of the business today"

Mike Leeper, Director of Global Technology at Columbia Sportswear (Server Watch)

"Scale changes everything"

Rajeev Nagar, group program manager for Windows core networking at Microsoft (Enterprise Networking Planet)


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